Dwight Williams - Art Director


Air travel can be tough. Chicken strips make it easy.


The mobile component of Carry-On Companion by TGIFridays stores the user’s information, unlocks the benefits of branded touch points throughout the airport, and takes the bad taste of air travel out of people's mouths. The app helps users plan their meal times, make their flights, and earn rewards for traveling. 

The first of several touch points, the check-in kiosk allows users to scan or “check in” with their app, collect new points for this trip, and receive useful reminders before taking off.

Checkin Screen.jpg

Between fear of flying or crying babies, people have different reasons to not enjoy air travel. With this in mind, Carry-On Companion built interactive touch points in concourse areas that suggest cocktails based on the length of the user's flight and their general feelings about flying.

Displayed throughout the concourses, digital posters will encourage travelers to fly with Carry-On Companion and as a result visit their airport’s TGIFridays.